Who is the data controller: Super Sport Sweden AB is the data controller for all your personal data processed within the framework of Super Sport Sweden`s operations.
Contact information for Super Sport Sweden AB can be found at the bottom of these terms and conditions.
We collect the following data:
- We store personal data in order to manage quotes, orders, newsletters, etc. for ongoing business operations.
- We collect personal data that you voluntarily provide to us, for example when you make inquiries and place orders and choose to subscribe to newsletters, or communicate with us via email and other channels where you have registered.
- The data we collect includes your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, job title and other information that you want us to store in order to ensure the best possible cooperation.
- In addition, we also process your social security number in cases where your organization number is your social security number, i.e. if you run a private company.
- If you provide personal data to a person other than yourself when you become a customer with us, you are responsible for ensuring that the company representative takes note of these terms and conditions and the information on how we process personal data.
In some cases, your personal data has been obtained from other sources such as searches via search engines and your company’s website. When you attend one of our courses, we collect your social security number, name, address, email address, telephone number and other information you provide to us in connection with the course.
How we use the data we collect and store:
- To address invoices, to address newsletters, catalogues and offers to the company.
- To facilitate any complaints, to send invitations to special Super Sport Sweden events/meetings.
- To send targeted offers and discounts adapted to the company’s needs and purchase history.
- To answer questions and follow up after contact with customer service for matters related to your purchases.
- To contact you, if necessary, with offers of service or improvements to products you have previously advertised or reviewed on the web or in any other of our social channels.
We use your personal data that we collect during training to comply with the legal requirements that apply to the training you have completed with us.
We do not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make data available to third parties.
Reasons for using your personal data:
When processing personal data for the purposes explained in this notice, we rely on our legitimate interests in keeping business relationships and communicating with you as a business contact.
- We comply with applicable law and legal rights and freedoms in our business contacts.
- We also have legal reasons to use the data you provided when you completed one of our training courses.
How we share the information we collect:
Only the people who need to process personal data for the above-mentioned purposes have access to your personal data.
We may need to share some personal data with, for example, our carriers before a delivery. We also share some data with authorities when we are required by law to do so.
Your personal data is stored for the stated purposes and as long as you continue to shop with us. If you deregister, we will cease data processing and remove your personal data from our customer register.
Accounting material is discarded after 7 years in accordance with current law. The data we store in order to comply with legal requirements is kept for as long as the legal requirements exist.
- We use security measures to protect your personal data against loss and access by unauthorized persons.
- We regularly review our procedures to ensure that our systems are secure and protected.
Your choices and rights:
- You are always welcome to contact us with your questions and concerns.
- You have the right to know what personal data we process about you and can always request an extract.
- You can always correct inaccurate personal data or delete your personal data.
- You can choose to deregister at any time and in connection with this, we will cease data processing for the above-mentioned purposes and remove your personal data from our register.
Deregistration is done by calling or sending an email to us. However, personal data that we need in order to fulfil agreements with you as a customer, supplier or to comply with legal requirements cannot be deleted.
The persons whose personal data is processed, the data subjects, have a number of rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. In short, these rights mean that data subjects should be informed about when and how their personal data is processed and have control over their own data. This includes the right to have their data rectified, erased or blocked in certain cases, or to have their data deleted or moved.
Data subjects’ rights have been extended, strengthened and specified in the GDPR compared to the Personal Data Act.
More information about the rights can be found here https://www.datainspektionen.se/dataskyddsreformen/dataskyddsforo rdningen/de-registrerades-rattigheter/ Super Sport Sweden AB, Säm Sverkelstorp 4, 524 93 Herrljunga
Contact details: 0513-72280 info @superstar.se